Month: October 2013

7 reasons to upgrade to TeamSite 7.4

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Changing the status-quo and upgrading to a newer, better version of the software is always a daunting task – especially so, for enterprise customers. Quite often, it’s a matter of getting all the stake holders to understand the benefits of the new version – how to get there can be a tactical strategy. Upgrading to the latest version of TeamSite -verion 7.4 is no different.


While there are many reasons to upgrade and multiple ways to get there, here are the top 7 reasons to upgrade to the new version of HP’s TeamSite Content Management Suite:


# 7. Redesigned UI has wider web browser support

  • It is annoying when you cannot use the same browser to author content and view your website like your end-users do. Here’s a great article on the need to upgrade web browsers (are you listening IE 6 users?)

# 6. RHEL 6 support as host CMS server

  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 6 has several improvements over RHEL 5.x, and customers who want to upgrade to the new OS can do so with the new version of TeamSite. Over the past few years, we have seen an increasing number of TeamSite customers migrate away from Solaris (Thanks in part due to Oracle’s aggressive pricing strategy) to RedHat Linux. For a good article on the advantages of RHEL 6 over 5, take a look here

# 5. Improved Dependency Manager

  • Dependency Manager was introduced into TeamSite in version 7, but it has really taken off in TeamSite 7.4 thanks to a tighter integration with IDOL. Using Dependency Manager, you can view what assets are associated with other assets. For example given an HTML page, DM can show you the list of all images, css files and other related assets with a single click of the button.

# 4. WYSIWYG Workflow Modeler client is now 100% browser based; no Java client needed to build WF

  • Prior versions of the Workflow creation tool were based on a separate installation that ran on a Java Swing based tool. Worfklow creators no longer need to download, update and maintain a version of the tool on their desktops, thereby increasing productivity.

# 3. Ability to set log rotation policies

  • Raise your hand if you haven’t renamed a log file because it’s too big. OK, maybe you haven’t but your CMS administrators most certainly have. Well, this is automated in TeamSite 7.4, so large log files are rotated automatically and you can archive or get rid of them as need be.

# 2. Content stores can now be placed on a SAN

  • Content Store (also called iw-store) can be placed on a SAN network. As a business CMS user, this enables backups to occur without system downtime by taking advantage of Storage Area Network filesystem advantages.

# 1. New RichMedia integration tightly integrates with Autonomy MediaBin

  • If you want the best of Digital Asset Management from MediaBin and Web CMS from TeamSite under the same umbrella, this version makes it possible. The new Rich Media Manager (RMM) is just a tab in TeamSite that brings Digital Assets (Images, Video, etc), seamlessly into your Website building activiites.



Upcoming TeamSite Releases

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Connecting with our buddies at HP at the recent HP Digital Marketing Hub product launch provided some insights into upcoming Web Content Management releases. We wanted to share this with our readers…

The latest, current GA release (General Availability) of TeamSite product suite (OpenDeploy and LiveSite included) is version 7.4.0

Version 7.4.1 will be available in November and version 8.0 is scheduled for first quarter of 2014.

As you may already know, TeamSite 7.4 adds mobile device rendering, among other new capabilities, and is an incremental upgrade over TeamSite 7.3.2. In other words, you cannot upgrade to 7.4 without first upgrading to version 7.3.2

Verion 7.4.1 provides deeper integrations between LiveSite Targeting module and Optimost, including the new Smart Rules Manager.

8.0 is supposed to be “revolutionary” and we can’t wait to get our hands dirty with it!

So long folks!



First take – Review of HP Marketing Hub Product launch

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trump-hotel-nyc I was not expecting much from the event at Trump SOHO hotel in NYC (picture from 42nd floor overlooking lower west side). Perhaps, an announcement of HP TeamSite 8.0, maybe MediaBin integration enhancements with the new Rich Media Manager. But what Rafiq Mohammed – CEO of the Content Marketing business line at HP, Sunil Menon – CTO, and Madhukar Kumar – WCM Product Manager demonstrated was something really neat.

The HP Marketing Hub (#HPDMH on Twitter) is a real game changer. It integrates the following upgraded products into a single cloud based suite:

HP TeamSite 7.4 on the Cloud – When organizations do not have to host a CMS in-house it  adds to their productivity.You can see a demo login to TeamSite 7.4 on the cloud here:  I don’t promise this link to work for long, so here’s a screenshot of the new TeamSite login page:

Screen Shot 2013-10-17 at 1.05.31 PM

HP Livesite – Website rendering engine with Segmentation and Targeting features. What’s new with this version of LiveSite is that business users no longer need to build numerous Targeting Rules – which can be a pain to manage. It has a new feature called “Smart Rules Management” where LiveSite learns based on simple iterative actions. Here’s a screen shot of the demo:

Screen Shot 2013-10-17 at 12.57.54 PM

HP Optimost – The way Optimost’s MVT technology works with LiveSite is pretty cool. As a business user, you build multiple layouts and based on LiveSite Targeting module and Optimost’s MVT logic, the best landing page (or other) content is delivered to end users without any complex software code – Impressive!


HP Explore – The Marketing Hub provides access to cloud-hosted HP Explore. Explore provides a neat dashboard feature with REAL-TIME analytics. Here’s a rather fuzzy screenshot of the demo:


We could see correlation to Obama and the just announced Congress deal on the Shutdown. We could also glean information on  sentiment analysis on “Obama Care” vs “Affordable Healthcare Act” – a valuable tool, if you ask me…on how you market your content (or products).

[Updated 10/22/2013: Here’s a little more about HP Explore. Explore is a “Big Data” analytics engine with a dash-board like interface. Past versions of HP Explore were stand-alone, powered by IDOL search engine. Using specific “Connectors” Explore can glean semantics from the data it munges – in this case Twitter and other social media. Now, what is new is the integration of this powerful, BigData Analytics with Web Content Management – so marketers can take action on the analytics from within a single platform. There’s a nice video on YouTube here if you are interested ]


Overall, great stuff! All these products bundled into a single suite available instantly on the web… to me and my clients, is a game changer!